Uses of Class

Packages that use ConnectionException

Uses of ConnectionException in osdep

Methods in osdep that throw ConnectionException
<E extends java.lang.Exception>
ConnectionHandler.doWithConnection(java.lang.String httpAddress, ICallableWithParameter<java.lang.Void,,E> toDo)
          Authenticate the user to the proxy, connects to the http site, and calls a callback function to do somehing with the connection

Uses of ConnectionException in osdep.proxy

Methods in osdep.proxy that throw ConnectionException
<E extends java.lang.Exception>
ProxyHandler.doWithProxy(java.lang.String protocol, ICallableWithParameter<java.lang.Void,java.lang.Boolean,E> toDo)
          Sets up a proxy for a certain protocol ("http" or "ftp"), calls a function (that uses the proxy to open a connection) and puts back the previous proxy properties
<E extends java.lang.Exception>
ProxyAuthenticationHandler.doWithProxyAuthentication( connection, ICallableWithParameter<java.lang.Void,,E> toDo)
          Applies the authentication properties to the connection, calls a callback function that uses the connection and puts back the authentication properties to the values that they had before.